
Explore Dynamics 365
Embracing a Brave
New Business World

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Microsoft Dynamics 365

The most successful businesses around the world, are those that can deftly bring into harmony the moving parts and components that make up what is essentially a living, breathing organism.

Your business is alive with people, processes, and clients within the ecosystem of your pillar or industry. What powers a living organism, though? What keeps its systems, cells and channels all working in perfect accord, to ensure that that organism stays alive, and most importantly, keeps growing?

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations

From sales, to marketing, your employees, services, ecommerce, human resources and your finance department – these are the systems and cells of your business organism. If one part fails, a business can suffer serious stunting.

Strategix has a brain for your business, to ensure every part of it stays in good health.

Introducing the Microsoft Dynamics 365 thinking centre.

A smart, entirely agile hub for every business’s transformation journey.
365 Render Desktop Banner

What is Dynamics 365?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) application that lets you collaborate in the flow of work across your entire business.

From sales to customer service, even project automation, the Dynamics 365 offering lets you have eyes on, and control over every aspect of your workflow.

Let’s take a look at the facets of the product:

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Business

365 Main Dashboard

Dynamics 365
for Sales

Dynamics 365 for sales gives you a number of sales capabilities, with it, you can:

How To Improve Customer Service Using Dynamics 365 Banner

Dynamics 365 for Customer Service

Perhaps the most vital part of the services you provide, customer care with Dynamics 365 puts you into direct contact with your client-base, to:

366 Main Dashboard on Desktop

Dynamics 365
for Field Service

With Dynamics 365 you get a field service capability that is automated, predictive, and speedily reactive. With it you can:

365 Dashboard

Dynamics 365
for Project Service Automation

Dynamics 365 lets you be entirely reactive to the inner workings of your projects. With it you can:

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Dynamics 365 for your business?

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Key Benefits of using Dynamics 365

The Dynamics 365 platform is the central nervous system of your business. With it, you can transition your business to the hybrid work directive of seamless team collaboration and automation, to give your vital client-base a speedy and accurate service. What’s more, with the insights and data this intelligent platform provides, you can be ever agile in your operations, and smart with your business decisions.

find out more about Strategix’s comprehensive range of solutions for business, applications and technology.

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